Wednesday 28 March 2012

A lot can happen over a coffee!

Wikipedia defines coffee as “brewed beverage with a dark, acidic flavor prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant”. But well.. As we all know, it’s not just about acidic extract of berries of shrub of the genus Coffea cultivated in southwestern highlands of Ethiopia Its about the foamy cappuccino or milky latte or hardcore espresso! And above that it’s about numerous things that start or end with a cup of coffee!

Coffee is such a multifaceted thing.
It refreshes your mood! It tastes so good! We drink it as we get up every day and at the same time we have a sip at late night during our exams!

When we are at the coffee shop we see several people streaming in the coffee shop..Friends go there to hang out, some to solve disputes, some come to talk about their future ventures, some to talk about their future life together, some to propose their love (louu), some to break hearts, some to study, some to just meet after long time!

So much for the coffee house being a creative place that coffee shops are regarded as the place when most of the ideas strike in your mind! Creativity is at its best when we have coffee churning inside our stomachs... As soon as coffee is in your stomach, there is a general commotion. Ideas begin to move.. Coffee is your ally and writing ceases to be a struggle. 

The bubbly and fresh environment created at Coffee Shops nevertheless serves as the crowd-puller but at the same time the luxury and comfort they provide makes it the ‘addaa’ for hanging out! No doubt the count of coffee shops is increasing day by day with CCD, Startbucks Coffee, Robusta, cannabis coffee shop, Lj coffee house, Biggby Coffee house and many more!
Apart from that peculiar places like India Coffee house has its own history and memories of generations attached to it. While tapree ki coffe is the ‘khasiyat’ of the area near to people’s offices! 

Funny thing that both of us decided to start this blog at the coffee shop with cups of coffee in hand and a laptop on the table ..and all the chitter chatter in the world!

We have many things in our lives happened over coffee!
 So whats your story eh?

Tuesday 20 March 2012


Words, if used properly at right time, right amount of stress on them could make a lot of difference.
Words are powerful.
Words can bring us together. Words can put up a fight between people.
Words can make you weep,they can tickle you.
Words  make the song! Words can create revolution. Things when put in terms of words can create a history!
Words can make a thing simpler than how we had thought of it, at the same time its complexity can entangle you in your thoughts!
It can be short but deep, and even long but shallow!
Its all about how you play with the words.
Hence the name –‘WORDPLAY’.  

This blog is medium of a discussion where we will get to know different views or opinions on a certain subject. Its like a diary being shared by two of us regarding different day to day topics that we come across. Its our attempt to put across our thoughts and share it with all of you. Hope writing helps us broaden our views, exchange them and give us better understanding and we get something out of it. More than anything, a different kind of experience!
So here it goes!
by Samhita and Vaishnavi.